5 Social Media Strategies for Small Business


   For many entrepreneurs and small business owners, creating a Social Media Strategy on a limited budget  and with limited time can be daunting. Here are a few free tips to get you started down your path to increasing your digital footprint.

·         Clarify your business objectives or goals for social media use: When you have clear, concise, and manageable goals, it keeps you from spending your time on tasks that won’t help you achieve your desired objective via social media.

·         Know your target audience: Ask yourself who are the people you are trying to reach via social media? Take the time to learn as much as you can about this demographic. What forms of social media do they use most? What topics are the most important and relevant to their lives? Which products would be most helpful to them? When you are armed with these pieces of knowledge, you will be better able to service your customer as well as show your audience you have a service/product that is relevant to their lives.

·         Plan your time accordingly: Create a plan for how much time you will spend on each form of social media as well as the content that you will share via each channel. This will help you to remain on task and not spend more time than you need to on any one social media channel.

·         Branding across all social media channels: Branding, as defined by entrepreneur.com, is “The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products.” When you have a clear brand, and you carry that across all social media outlets, you help the customer remember who you are and the importance of your product. Make your product and brand memorable so that it will make you stand out against a myriad of other competitors.   http://www.entrepreneur.com/encyclopedia/branding

·         Measure your results: Use metrics such as google analytics or those provided within a social media site such as Pinterest, to track your progress. This will help you establish whether your efforts are on track, or you need to re-group and try a different strategy.


For more Small Business, Branding and Social Media tips see our boards on Pinterest.





Also check out this practical article by Social Media Examiner.



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