The hallmark of today’s home is a nearly “Zen” approach, with all the clutter removed.
People are taking note of the styles in home
décor magazines, and taking advantage of the
variety of nice home furnishings and accessories
available in local department and specialty stores,
even at regional furniture consignment stores! All with an eye to the “clean swept” look of the minimalist.
There are great benefits in living in this trend. You have less to clean, and less to gather dust! Also for those whose allergies are a bane, dust-free is misery-free. There is even the “…nothing on the closet floors” viewpoint, where every shoe has its place in a rack or container. The additional benefit of all this organization is that you’ll always know where everything is because everything has its place!
How do you live like this? It takes “stuff” to get along in he world; saved stuff, sports stuff, travel stuff, patio and BBQ stuff, big stuff like boats and jet skis, small stuff like Grandma’s miniature collection, too valuable and rich in memories to toss or sell.
Storage is the answer! A storage unit really becomes part of your life. You can pack up any or all the “stuff” you need and want to keep, get it out of your house and know exactly where it is.
You can even use more than one unit to help separate things. That’s why it’s so convenient to have all the different sizes in units at a storage facility. Several small units can help you categorize and keep your “stuff” organized.
It really is nice to have that clutter-free, “Zen” feel about your home. You can even vacuum under the bed without sucking up some “stuff” that immobilizes your vacuum machine!

A great way to start getting your life in the “Zen”
mode is go to 5A’s “Space Calculator” at
And check-box all the items you intend to store.
It will act as your advisor to let you know how
much storage you need, and as your inventory
of what you’re storing in your unit. Give them
a call at (800) 5A SPACE (800) 527-7223 or
reserve a unit on line at
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